Dobrzański Jarosław - profile

Events results

Date Event name Distance Place Category Result
2021-10-03 Garmin Półmaraton Gdańsk 2021 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 103 / 97 m35 01:38:43
Place open 103 / 584
Place in category 19 / 91
Place by sex 97 / 462
Number 542
Result 01:38:43
Loss to winner 00:26:33
Result better than 481 (82.4%) competitors
Result in category better than 72 (79.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 365 (79%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:23:27 (132) 00:23:27 (132)
5-10km 00:25:08 (120) 00:48:35 (118)
10,5-15,3km 00:24:33 (114) 01:13:08 (114)
15,3-20,8km 00:24:56 (82) 01:38:04 (104)
20,8-21,0975km 00:00:39 (80) 01:38:43 (103)
2019-11-16 Nocna Dycha Gdańsk 2019 Bieganie - Bieg 10km 69 / 66 m30 00:45:06
Place open 69 / 436
Place in category 32 / 100
Place by sex 66 / 272
Number 7313
Result 00:45:06
Loss to winner 00:11:48
Result better than 367 (84.2%) competitors
Result in category better than 68 (68%) competitors
Result by sex better than 206 (75.7%) competitors
Start zone Strefa niebieska 0:40:00-0:44:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:21:33 (67) 00:21:33 (67)
5-10km 00:23:33 (73) 00:45:06 (69)
2016-10-16 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2016 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1583 / 1423 m30 01:52:47
Place open 1583 / 3227
Place in category 253 / 432
Place by sex 1423 / 2398
Number 3054
Result 01:52:47
Loss to winner 00:45:12
Result better than 1644 (50.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 179 (41.4%) competitors
Result by sex better than 975 (40.7%) competitors
Start zone Strefa żółta 1:50 i wolniej
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:28:20 (1674) 00:28:20 (1668)
5-10km 00:26:20 (1521) 00:54:40 (1583)
10-15km 00:25:53 (1547) 01:20:33 (1573)
15-20km 00:26:18 (1590) 01:46:51 (1583)
20-21,0975km 00:05:56 (1580) 01:52:47 (1578)
2014-10-26 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2014 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 931 / 855 m30 01:51:08
Place open 931 / 1989
Place in category 189 / 342
Place by sex 855 / 1550
Number 593
Result 01:51:08
Loss to winner 00:45:27
Result better than 1058 (53.2%) competitors
Result in category better than 153 (44.7%) competitors
Result by sex better than 695 (44.8%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:27:11 (904) 00:27:11 (904)
5-10km 00:26:04 (929) 00:53:15 (878)
10-15km 00:25:52 (849) 01:19:07 (870)
15-20km 00:24:12 (866) 01:43:19 (867)
20-21,0975km 00:07:24 (875) 01:50:43 (854)



Półmaraton 21,0975 km
0-5km 00:23:27
5-10km 00:25:08
10,5-15,3km 00:24:33
15,3-20,8km 00:24:56
20,8-21,0975km 00:00:39
10-15km 00:25:52
15-20km 00:24:12
20-21,0975km 00:05:56
Result 01:38:43

Bieg 10km
0-5km 00:21:33
5-10km 00:23:33
Result 00:45:06

  • Elemental Tri Series
  • Garmin IronTriathlon
  • Castle Triathlon Malbork
  • Amber Expo Półmaraton Gdańsk
  • Garmin MTB Series
  • Triminator
  • Garmin Ultra Race
  • Garmin SwimRun Series
  • Triathlon Series TTT
  • ILF Triathlon