Pusdrowski Michał - profile

Events results

Date Event name Distance Place Category Result
2023-12-02 Garmin Ultra Race Gdańsk 2023 - bieg na 53 km Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 53 km 158 / 124 m40 06:50:13
Place open 158 / 316
Place in category 51 / 92
Place by sex 124 / 233
Number 621
Result 06:50:13
Loss to winner 02:30:20
Result better than 158 (50%) competitors
Result in category better than 41 (44.6%) competitors
Result by sex better than 109 (46.8%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-22,5km 02:35:47 (168) 02:35:47 (168)
22,5-41km 02:44:05 (146) 05:19:52 (147)
41-53km 01:30:21 (206) 06:50:13 (158)
2022-12-03 Garmin Ultra Race Gdańsk 2022 - bieg na 53 km Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 53 km 104 / 90 m40 06:17:09
Place open 104 / 205
Place in category 39 / 72
Place by sex 90 / 158
Number 792
Result 06:17:09
Loss to winner 02:07:50
Result better than 101 (49.3%) competitors
Result in category better than 33 (45.8%) competitors
Result by sex better than 68 (43%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-22,5km 02:21:20 (90) 02:21:20 (90)
22,5-41km 02:27:21 (87) 04:48:41 (90)
41-53km 01:28:28 (124) 06:17:09 (100)
2022-04-24 ULTRA WYSOCZYZNA Elbląg 2022 - Ryk jelenia (dystans 80 km) Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 80 km m40 DNF
Place open
Place in category / 49
Place by sex / 90
Number 38
Result DNF
Loss to winner
Result better than 0 (0%) competitors
Result in category better than 0 (0%) competitors
Result by sex better than 0 (0%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-15km 01:56:31 (79) 01:56:31 (79)
2019-11-17 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2019 im. Pawła Adamowicza Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 672 / 627 m35 01:39:04
Place open 672 / 3185
Place in category 138 / 484
Place by sex 627 / 2321
Number 1072
Result 01:39:04
Loss to winner 00:32:33
Result better than 2513 (78.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 346 (71.5%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1694 (73%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:23:01 (693) 00:23:01 (696)
5-10km 00:23:55 (675) 00:46:56 (679)
10-15km 00:23:47 (674) 01:10:43 (659)
15-20km 00:23:03 (643) 01:33:46 (653)
20-21,0975km 00:05:18 (878) 01:39:04 (667)
2018-10-28 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2018 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 969 / 847 m35 01:43:49
Place open 969 / 3394
Place in category 207 / 522
Place by sex 847 / 2454
Number 27
Result 01:43:49
Loss to winner 00:36:17
Result better than 2425 (71.4%) competitors
Result in category better than 315 (60.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1607 (65.5%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:22:28 (557) 00:22:28 (557)
5-10km 00:24:30 (942) 00:46:58 (682)
10-15km 00:24:49 (1249) 01:11:47 (871)
15-19km 00:21:06 (1331) 01:32:53 (930)
19-21,0975km 00:10:07 (1163) 01:43:00 (950)
2017-11-05 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2017 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 623 / 582 m35 01:39:28
Place open 623 / 3688
Place in category 125 / 567
Place by sex 582 / 2682
Number 3676
Result 01:39:28
Loss to winner 00:33:17
Result better than 3065 (83.1%) competitors
Result in category better than 442 (78%) competitors
Result by sex better than 2100 (78.3%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:22:56 (609) 00:22:56 (607)
5-10km 00:23:30 (715) 00:46:26 (627)
10-15km 00:23:22 (666) 01:09:48 (626)
15-20km 00:23:35 (686) 01:33:23 (631)
20-21,0975km 00:06:05 (607) 01:39:28 (622)
2016-10-16 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2016 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1030 / 965 m30 01:45:38
Place open 1030 / 3227
Place in category 188 / 432
Place by sex 965 / 2398
Number 2186
Result 01:45:38
Loss to winner 00:38:03
Result better than 2197 (68.1%) competitors
Result in category better than 244 (56.5%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1433 (59.8%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:25:51 (1069) 00:25:51 (1070)
5-10km 00:24:59 (1086) 00:50:50 (1064)
10-15km 00:24:25 (1048) 01:15:15 (1060)
15-20km 00:24:38 (1022) 01:39:53 (1015)
20-21,0975km 00:05:45 (1351) 01:45:38 (1025)


Mountain run

Bieg górski - 53 km
0-22,5km 02:21:20
22,5-41km 02:27:21
41-53km 01:28:28
Result 06:17:09

Bieg górski - 80 km
0-15km 01:56:31


Półmaraton 21,0975 km
0-5km 00:22:28
5-10km 00:23:30
10-15km 00:23:22
15-20km 00:23:03
20-21,0975km 00:05:18
15-19km 00:21:06
19-21,0975km 00:10:07
Result 01:39:04

  • StartList.pl
  • Elemental Tri Series
  • Garmin IronTriathlon
  • Castle Triathlon Malbork
  • Amber Expo Półmaraton Gdańsk
  • Garmin MTB Series
  • Triminator
  • Garmin Ultra Race
  • Garmin SwimRun Series
  • Triathlon Series TTT
  • ILF Triathlon