Kwiatkowski Michał - profile

Events results

Date Event name Distance Place Category Result
2019-12-07 Garmin Ultra Race Gdańsk 2019 - bieg na 86 km Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 86 km 114 / 99 m30 13:09:07
Place open 114 / 165
Place in category 45 / 56
Place by sex 99 / 138
Number 67
Result 13:09:07
Loss to winner 05:25:49
Result better than 51 (30.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 11 (19.6%) competitors
Result by sex better than 39 (28.3%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-22,5km 02:34:16 (86) 02:34:16 (86)
22,5-36,5km 01:48:47 (86) 04:23:03 (83)
36,5-67km 05:01:19 (127) 09:24:22 (99)
67-74km 01:08:00 (98) 10:32:22 (100)
74-86km 02:36:45 (149) 13:09:07 (114)
2019-11-17 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2019 im. Pawła Adamowicza Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 940 / 862 m35 01:43:26
Place open 940 / 3185
Place in category 190 / 484
Place by sex 862 / 2321
Number 264
Result 01:43:26
Loss to winner 00:36:55
Result better than 2245 (70.5%) competitors
Result in category better than 294 (60.7%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1459 (62.9%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:22:10 (548) 00:22:10 (548)
5-10km 00:25:03 (1083) 00:47:13 (702)
10-15km 00:24:56 (981) 01:12:09 (801)
15-20km 00:25:28 (1320) 01:37:37 (911)
20-21,0975km 00:05:49 (1541) 01:43:26 (935)
2018-12-08 Garmin Ultra Race Trójmiasto 2018 - bieg na 52 km Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 52 km 272 / 215 m30 08:07:09
Place open 272 / 317
Place in category 91 / 99
Place by sex 215 / 243
Number 809
Result 08:07:09
Loss to winner 04:00:59
Result better than 45 (14.2%) competitors
Result in category better than 8 (8.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 28 (11.5%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-24km 02:49:39 (194) 02:49:39 (194)
24-36km 01:58:40 (230) 04:48:19 (210)
36-52km 03:18:50 (287) 08:07:09 (258)
2018-10-28 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2018 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1079 / 913 m35 01:44:50
Place open 1079 / 3394
Place in category 220 / 522
Place by sex 913 / 2454
Number 272
Result 01:44:50
Loss to winner 00:37:18
Result better than 2315 (68.2%) competitors
Result in category better than 302 (57.9%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1541 (62.8%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:22:08 (434) 00:22:08 (436)
5-10km 00:23:48 (748) 00:45:56 (589)
10-15km 00:25:21 (1413) 01:11:17 (826)
15-19km 00:21:57 (1669) 01:33:14 (964)
19-21,0975km 00:10:47 (1664) 01:44:01 (1056)
2018-09-23 Garmin MTB Series Wejherowo 2018 - dystans Maxi (50 km) - edycja jesienna Kolarstwo MTB - Maxi m30 DNF
Place open
Place in category / 30
Place by sex / 74
Number 1075
Result DNF
Loss to winner
Result better than 0 (0%) competitors
Result in category better than 0 (0%) competitors
Result by sex better than 0 (0%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-11km 00:38:31 (74) 00:38:31 (74)
11-39km 01:55:40 (70) 02:34:11 (70)
2017-11-05 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2017 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1488 / 1328 m30 01:51:35
Place open 1488 / 3688
Place in category 273 / 468
Place by sex 1328 / 2682
Number 359
Result 01:51:35
Loss to winner 00:45:24
Result better than 2200 (59.7%) competitors
Result in category better than 195 (41.7%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1354 (50.5%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:23:29 (740) 00:23:29 (740)
5-10km 00:25:35 (1428) 00:49:04 (1030)
10-15km 00:27:19 (2125) 01:16:23 (1395)
15-20km 00:28:00 (2167) 01:44:23 (1619)
20-21,0975km 00:07:12 (1096) 01:51:35 (1477)
2016-10-16 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2016 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1893 / 1648 m30 01:57:09
Place open 1893 / 3227
Place in category 313 / 432
Place by sex 1648 / 2398
Number 3431
Result 01:57:09
Loss to winner 00:49:34
Result better than 1334 (41.3%) competitors
Result in category better than 119 (27.5%) competitors
Result by sex better than 750 (31.3%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:24:45 (723) 00:24:45 (724)
5-10km 00:28:15 (2213) 00:53:00 (1331)
10-15km 00:29:09 (2543) 01:22:09 (1761)
15-20km 00:28:27 (2229) 01:50:36 (1864)
20-21,0975km 00:06:33 (2303) 01:57:09 (1882)


Mountain run

Bieg górski - 86 km
0-22,5km 02:34:16
22,5-36,5km 01:48:47
36,5-67km 05:01:19
67-74km 01:08:00
74-86km 02:36:45
Result 13:09:07

Bieg górski - 52 km
0-24km 02:49:39
24-36km 01:58:40
36-52km 03:18:50
Result 08:07:09


Półmaraton 21,0975 km
0-5km 00:22:08
5-10km 00:23:48
10-15km 00:24:56
15-20km 00:25:28
20-21,0975km 00:05:49
15-19km 00:21:57
19-21,0975km 00:10:47
Result 01:43:26


0-11km 00:38:31
11-39km 01:55:40

  • Elemental Tri Series
  • Garmin IronTriathlon
  • Castle Triathlon Malbork
  • Amber Expo Półmaraton Gdańsk
  • Garmin MTB Series
  • Triminator
  • Garmin Ultra Race
  • Garmin SwimRun Series
  • Triathlon Series TTT
  • ILF Triathlon