Wrzosek Tomasz - profile

Events results

Date Event name Distance Place Category Result
2019-11-17 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2019 im. Pawła Adamowicza Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 2428 / 1944 m35 02:04:42
Place open 2428 / 3185
Place in category 413 / 484
Place by sex 1944 / 2321
Number 3428
Result 02:04:42
Loss to winner 00:58:11
Result better than 757 (23.8%) competitors
Result in category better than 71 (14.7%) competitors
Result by sex better than 377 (16.2%) competitors
Start zone Strefa żółta 1:50 i wolniej
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:27:49 (2283) 00:27:49 (2280)
5-10km 00:28:54 (2258) 00:56:43 (2254)
10-15km 00:30:01 (2345) 01:26:44 (2320)
15-20km 00:30:34 (2506) 01:57:18 (2370)
20-21,0975km 00:07:24 (2892) 02:04:42 (2410)
2019-07-28 Garmin Iron Triathlon Elbląg 2019 - dystans 1/8 Triathlon - 1/8 (0,475-22,5-5,275) 178 / 141 m30 01:44:27
Place open 178 / 206
Place in category 48 / 54
Place by sex 141 / 159
Number 448
Result 01:44:27
Loss to winner 00:44:31
Result better than 28 (13.6%) competitors
Result in category better than 6 (11.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 18 (11.3%) competitors
Start zone Przewidywany czas pływania na dystansie 1/8IM: 5:00-8:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
Swim 00:10:33 (100) 00:10:33 (99)
T1 00:04:11 (129) 00:14:44 (116)
Bike 00:49:58 (180) 01:04:42 (124)
T2 00:04:41 (201) 01:09:23 (126)
Run 00:35:04 (181) 01:44:27 (127)
2018-10-28 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2018 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 2667 / 2109 m35 02:09:07
Place open 2667 / 3394
Place in category 458 / 522
Place by sex 2109 / 2454
Number 2444
Result 02:09:07
Loss to winner 01:01:35
Result better than 727 (21.4%) competitors
Result in category better than 64 (12.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 345 (14.1%) competitors
Start zone Strefa żółta 1:50 i wolniej
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:29:01 (2737) 00:29:01 (2740)
5-10km 00:30:17 (2782) 00:59:18 (2767)
10-15km 00:29:40 (2671) 01:28:58 (2724)
15-19km 00:24:34 (2503) 01:53:32 (2667)
19-21,0975km 00:11:48 (2302) 02:05:20 (2624)
2018-07-01 Garmin Iron Triathlon Stężyca 2018 - dystans 1/8 Triathlon - 1/8 (0,475-22,5-5,275) 148 / 120 m30 01:34:44
Place open 148 / 197
Place in category 39 / 47
Place by sex 120 / 145
Number 390
Result 01:34:44
Loss to winner 00:32:54
Result better than 49 (24.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 8 (17%) competitors
Result by sex better than 25 (17.2%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
Swim 00:10:27 (112) 00:10:27 (113)
T1 00:05:38 (158) 00:16:05 (128)
Bike 00:46:52 (151) 01:02:57 (144)
T2 00:02:39 (176) 01:05:36 (147)
Run 00:29:08 (145) 01:34:44 (146)
2018-06-17 Garmin Iron Triathlon Elbląg 2018 - dystans 1/4 Triathlon - 1/4 (0,95-45-10,55) 179 / 161 m35 03:08:33
Place open 179 / 213
Place in category 36 / 42
Place by sex 161 / 186
Number 79
Result 03:08:33
Loss to winner 01:10:51
Result better than 34 (16%) competitors
Result in category better than 6 (14.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 25 (13.4%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
Swim 00:20:18 (127) 00:20:18 (127)
T1 00:04:26 (172) 00:24:44 (144)
Bike 01:34:02 (188) 01:58:46 (166)
T2 00:03:52 (166) 02:02:38 (167)
Run 01:05:55 (171) 03:08:33 (167)
2017-06-18 Garmin Iron Triathlon Elbląg 2017 - dystans 1/4 Triathlon - 1/4 (0,95-45-10,55) 278 / 253 m30 03:19:20
Place open 278 / 287
Place in category 43 / 43
Place by sex 253 / 259
Number 107
Result 03:19:20
Loss to winner 01:20:18
Result better than 9 (3.1%) competitors
Result in category better than 0 (0%) competitors
Result by sex better than 6 (2.3%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
Swim 00:20:05 (214) 00:20:05 (214)
T1 00:02:44 (212) 00:22:49 (211)
Bike 01:42:28 (276) 02:05:17 (272)
T2 00:02:08 (184) 02:07:25 (270)
Run 01:11:55 (277) 03:19:20 (275)
2016-07-17 Garmin Iron Triathlon Elbląg 2016 - dystans 1/8 Triathlon - 1/8 (0,475-22,5-5,275) 99 / 82 m20 01:35:51
Place open 99 / 136
Place in category 66 / 85
Place by sex 82 / 101
Number 562
Result 01:35:51
Loss to winner 00:30:16
Result better than 37 (27.2%) competitors
Result in category better than 19 (22.4%) competitors
Result by sex better than 19 (18.8%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
Swim 00:11:19 (75) 00:11:19 (75)
T1 00:03:53 (111) 00:15:12 (90)
Bike 00:48:59 (119) 01:04:11 (103)
T2 00:03:03 (129) 01:07:14 (109)
Run 00:28:38 (93) 01:35:52 (99)
2016-06-26 VIII Elbląski Bieg Uliczny Piekarczyka 2016 Bieganie - Bieg 10km 188 / 170 m30 00:51:13
Place open 188 / 553
Place in category 57 / 155
Place by sex 170 / 418
Number 17
Result 00:51:13
Loss to winner 00:18:58
Result better than 365 (66%) competitors
Result in category better than 98 (63.2%) competitors
Result by sex better than 248 (59.3%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
5km 00:24:59 (217) 00:24:59 (218)
2015-06-14 VII Elbląski Bieg Uliczny Piekarczyka 2015 Bieganie - Bieg 10km 192 / 171 m30 00:51:07
Place open 192 / 431
Place in category 73 / 124
Place by sex 171 / 321
Number 1
Result 00:51:07
Loss to winner 00:19:09
Result better than 239 (55.5%) competitors
Result in category better than 51 (41.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 150 (46.7%) competitors
2014-10-26 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2014 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1318 / 1152 m30 01:59:51
Place open 1318 / 1989
Place in category 250 / 342
Place by sex 1152 / 1550
Number 1605
Result 01:59:51
Loss to winner 00:54:10
Result better than 671 (33.7%) competitors
Result in category better than 92 (26.9%) competitors
Result by sex better than 398 (25.7%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:29:52 (1369) 00:29:52 (1369)
5-10km 00:26:37 (1034) 00:56:29 (1190)
10-15km 00:28:46 (1415) 01:25:15 (1246)
15-20km 00:28:39 (1552) 01:53:54 (1361)
20-21,0975km 00:07:51 (1134) 02:01:45 (1340)
2014-08-24 Enduroman Elbląg 2014 - bieg na 15km Bieganie - Bieg 15km 39 / 34 m30 01:53:26
Place open 39 / 44
Place in category 10 / 11
Place by sex 34 / 37
Number 46
Result 01:53:26
Loss to winner 00:44:04
Result better than 5 (11.4%) competitors
Result in category better than 1 (9.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 3 (8.1%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:34:51 (37) 00:34:51 (37)
5-10km 00:38:15 (39) 01:13:06 (38)
10-15km 00:40:20 (39) 01:53:26 (38)
2014-06-29 VI Elbląski Bieg Uliczny Piekarczyka 2014 Bieganie - Bieg 10km 323 / 278 m30 00:57:48
Place open 323 / 387
Place in category 115 / 124
Place by sex 278 / 308
Number 162
Result 00:57:48
Loss to winner 00:27:10
Result better than 64 (16.5%) competitors
Result in category better than 9 (7.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 30 (9.7%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:28:22 (333) 00:28:22 (332)
5-10km 00:29:26 (315) 00:57:48 (323)



Półmaraton 21,0975 km
0-5km 00:27:49
5-10km 00:26:37
10-15km 00:28:46
15-20km 00:28:39
20-21,0975km 00:07:24
15-19km 00:24:34
19-21,0975km 00:11:48
Result 01:59:51

Bieg 10km
5km 00:24:59
0-5km 00:28:22
5-10km 00:29:26
Result 00:51:07

Bieg 15km
0-5km 00:34:51
5-10km 00:38:15
10-15km 00:40:20
Result 01:53:26


1/8 (0,475-22,5-5,275)
Swim 00:10:27
T1 00:03:53
Bike 00:46:52
T2 00:02:39
Run 00:28:38
Result 01:34:44

1/4 (0,95-45-10,55)
Swim 00:20:05
T1 00:02:44
Bike 01:34:02
T2 00:02:08
Run 01:05:55
Result 03:08:33

  • StartList.pl
  • Elemental Tri Series
  • Garmin IronTriathlon
  • Castle Triathlon Malbork
  • Amber Expo Półmaraton Gdańsk
  • Garmin MTB Series
  • Triminator
  • Garmin Ultra Race
  • Garmin SwimRun Series
  • Triathlon Series TTT
  • ILF Triathlon