Witka Piotr - profile

Events results

Date Event name Distance Place Category Result
2023-09-24 Garmin Półmaraton Gdańsk 2023 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 2052 / 1581 m55 02:10:06
Place open 2052 / 2731
Place in category 53 / 75
Place by sex 1581 / 1894
Number 2519
Result 02:10:06
Loss to winner 00:57:28
Result better than 679 (24.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 22 (29.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 313 (16.5%) competitors
Start zone Strefa żółta 1:50 i wolniej
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Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5,5km 00:31:17 (1582) 00:31:17 (1575)
5,5-10,5km 00:30:18 (2059) 01:01:35 (1864)
10,5-16km 00:36:24 (2118) 01:37:59 (1970)
16-21,0975km 00:32:07 (2172) 02:10:06 (2026)
2021-10-03 Garmin Półmaraton Gdańsk 2021 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 358 / 316 m55 01:57:01
Place open 358 / 584
Place in category 13 / 28
Place by sex 316 / 462
Number 210
Result 01:57:01
Loss to winner 00:44:51
Result better than 226 (38.7%) competitors
Result in category better than 15 (53.6%) competitors
Result by sex better than 146 (31.6%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:26:54 (331) 00:26:54 (332)
5-10km 00:28:32 (317) 00:55:26 (319)
10,5-15,3km 00:28:59 (368) 01:24:25 (326)
15,3-20,8km 00:31:50 (390) 01:56:15 (354)
20,8-21,0975km 00:00:46 (305) 01:57:01 (353)
2019-11-17 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2019 im. Pawła Adamowicza Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1867 / 1592 m50 01:56:09
Place open 1867 / 3185
Place in category 102 / 154
Place by sex 1592 / 2321
Number 934
Result 01:56:09
Loss to winner 00:49:38
Result better than 1318 (41.4%) competitors
Result in category better than 52 (33.8%) competitors
Result by sex better than 729 (31.4%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:24:36 (1220) 00:24:36 (1220)
5-10km 00:27:19 (1711) 00:51:55 (1502)
10-15km 00:29:24 (2216) 01:21:19 (1722)
15-20km 00:28:23 (2107) 01:49:42 (1817)
20-21,0975km 00:06:27 (2281) 01:56:09 (1852)
2018-10-28 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2018 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1188 / 1075 m50 01:47:10
Place open 1188 / 3394
Place in category 57 / 135
Place by sex 1075 / 2454
Number 2935
Result 01:47:10
Loss to winner 00:39:38
Result better than 2206 (65%) competitors
Result in category better than 78 (57.8%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1379 (56.2%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:24:16 (996) 00:24:16 (999)
5-10km 00:24:33 (960) 00:48:49 (975)
10-15km 00:24:54 (1275) 01:13:43 (1044)
15-19km 00:20:56 (1286) 01:34:39 (1122)
19-21,0975km 00:10:36 (1533) 01:45:15 (1163)
2017-11-05 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2017 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 963 / 885 m50 01:45:01
Place open 963 / 3688
Place in category 36 / 149
Place by sex 885 / 2682
Number 492
Result 01:45:01
Loss to winner 00:38:50
Result better than 2725 (73.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 113 (75.8%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1797 (67%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:23:54 (907) 00:23:54 (905)
5-10km 00:24:16 (915) 00:48:10 (909)
10-15km 00:24:19 (946) 01:12:29 (907)
15-20km 00:24:51 (1080) 01:37:20 (924)
20-21,0975km 00:07:41 (1308) 01:45:01 (957)
2016-10-16 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2016 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1733 / 1533 m50 01:54:55
Place open 1733 / 3227
Place in category 78 / 128
Place by sex 1533 / 2398
Number 1430
Result 01:54:55
Loss to winner 00:47:20
Result better than 1494 (46.3%) competitors
Result in category better than 50 (39.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 865 (36.1%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:27:38 (1425) 00:27:38 (1425)
5-10km 00:26:27 (1596) 00:54:05 (1474)
10-15km 00:26:49 (1892) 01:20:54 (1656)
15-20km 00:27:36 (1990) 01:48:30 (1698)
20-21,0975km 00:06:25 (2179) 01:54:55 (1726)
2015-10-25 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2015 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1480 / 1329 m50 01:51:08
Place open 1480 / 3276
Place in category 50 / 107
Place by sex 1329 / 2457
Number 1330
Result 01:51:08
Loss to winner 00:45:47
Result better than 1796 (54.8%) competitors
Result in category better than 57 (53.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1128 (45.9%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:29:01 (1794) 00:29:01 (1794)
5-10km 00:25:24 (1286) 00:54:25 (1607)
10-15km 00:26:05 (1599) 01:20:30 (1604)
15-20km 00:25:20 (1151) 01:45:50 (1471)
20-21,0975km 00:05:18 (1142) 01:51:08 (1451)
2014-10-26 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2014 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 854 / 790 m45 01:50:08
Place open 854 / 1989
Place in category 48 / 105
Place by sex 790 / 1550
Number 573
Result 01:50:08
Loss to winner 00:44:27
Result better than 1135 (57.1%) competitors
Result in category better than 57 (54.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 760 (49%) competitors
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:25:30 (649) 00:25:30 (647)
5-10km 00:25:46 (825) 00:51:16 (703)
10-15km 00:25:28 (770) 01:16:44 (708)
15-20km 00:24:11 (863) 01:40:55 (734)
20-21,0975km 00:07:29 (926) 01:48:24 (741)



Półmaraton 21,0975 km
0-5,5km 00:31:17
5,5-10,5km 00:30:18
10,5-16km 00:36:24
16-21,0975km 00:32:07
0-5km 00:23:54
5-10km 00:24:16
10,5-15,3km 00:28:59
15,3-20,8km 00:31:50
20,8-21,0975km 00:00:46
10-15km 00:24:19
15-20km 00:24:11
20-21,0975km 00:05:18
15-19km 00:20:56
19-21,0975km 00:10:36
Result 01:45:01

  • StartList.pl
  • Elemental Tri Series
  • Garmin IronTriathlon
  • Castle Triathlon Malbork
  • Amber Expo Półmaraton Gdańsk
  • Garmin MTB Series
  • Triminator
  • Garmin Ultra Race
  • Garmin SwimRun Series
  • Triathlon Series TTT
  • ILF Triathlon