Siedlecki Marcin - profile

Events results

Date Event name Distance Place Category Result
2024-04-20 ULTRA WYSOCZYZNA Elbląg 2024 - Ryk jelenia (dystans 80 km) Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 80 km 80 / 71 m40 11:29:41
Place open 80 / 143
Place in category 38 / 62
Place by sex 71 / 117
Number 117
Result 11:29:41
Loss to winner 04:36:48
Result better than 63 (44.1%) competitors
Result in category better than 24 (38.7%) competitors
Result by sex better than 46 (39.3%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-14,5km 01:59:44 (115) 01:59:44 (115)
14,5-45,7km 04:11:43 (80) 06:11:27 (96)
45,7-73km 04:12:50 (66) 10:24:17 (80)
73-80,8km 01:05:24 (69) 11:29:41 (79)
2022-12-03 Garmin Ultra Race Gdańsk 2022 - bieg na 53 km Bieg górski - Bieg górski - 53 km 170 / 137 m40 07:36:28
Place open 170 / 205
Place in category 61 / 72
Place by sex 137 / 158
Number 708
Result 07:36:28
Loss to winner 03:27:09
Result better than 35 (17.1%) competitors
Result in category better than 11 (15.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 21 (13.3%) competitors
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-22,5km 02:52:41 (173) 02:52:41 (173)
22,5-41km 03:03:56 (160) 05:56:37 (163)
41-53km 01:39:51 (172) 07:36:28 (167)
2019-11-17 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2019 im. Pawła Adamowicza Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1340 / 1195 m40 01:48:38
Place open 1340 / 3185
Place in category 273 / 497
Place by sex 1195 / 2321
Number 3711
Result 01:48:38
Loss to winner 00:42:07
Result better than 1845 (57.9%) competitors
Result in category better than 224 (45.1%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1126 (48.5%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:24:35 (1208) 00:24:35 (1193)
5-10km 00:24:48 (957) 00:49:23 (1064)
10-15km 00:25:21 (1086) 01:14:44 (1083)
15-20km 00:27:31 (1877) 01:42:15 (1272)
20-21,0975km 00:06:23 (2211) 01:48:38 (1329)
2018-10-28 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2018 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1204 / 1100 m40 01:47:37
Place open 1204 / 3394
Place in category 243 / 524
Place by sex 1100 / 2454
Number 4127
Result 01:47:37
Loss to winner 00:40:05
Result better than 2190 (64.5%) competitors
Result in category better than 281 (53.6%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1354 (55.2%) competitors
Start zone Strefa żółta 1:50 i wolniej
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Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:25:36 (1516) 00:25:36 (1522)
5-10km 00:25:18 (1239) 00:50:54 (1374)
10-15km 00:24:08 (981) 01:15:02 (1250)
15-19km 00:20:31 (1127) 01:35:33 (1207)
19-21,0975km 00:09:49 (924) 01:45:22 (1177)
2017-11-05 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2017 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 1568 / 1387 m35 01:52:30
Place open 1568 / 3688
Place in category 312 / 567
Place by sex 1387 / 2682
Number 4197
Result 01:52:30
Loss to winner 00:46:19
Result better than 2120 (57.5%) competitors
Result in category better than 255 (45%) competitors
Result by sex better than 1295 (48.3%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:26:03 (1732) 00:26:03 (1727)
5-10km 00:25:59 (1562) 00:52:02 (1638)
10-15km 00:25:25 (1380) 01:17:27 (1531)
15-20km 00:26:07 (1546) 01:43:34 (1519)
20-21,0975km 00:08:56 (1794) 01:52:30 (1557)
2016-10-16 AmberExpo Półmaraton Gdańsk 2016 Bieganie - Półmaraton 21,0975 km 2305 / 1936 m35 02:02:26
Place open 2305 / 3227
Place in category 479 / 559
Place by sex 1936 / 2398
Number 2493
Result 02:02:26
Loss to winner 00:54:51
Result better than 922 (28.6%) competitors
Result in category better than 80 (14.3%) competitors
Result by sex better than 462 (19.3%) competitors
Start zone Strefa zielona 1:30:00-1:49:59
Gallery See photos
Split times
Name Independently In total
0-5km 00:25:41 (1023) 00:25:41 (1022)
5-10km 00:28:55 (2463) 00:54:36 (1564)
10-15km 00:30:43 (2821) 01:25:19 (2048)
15-20km 00:30:33 (2585) 01:55:52 (2309)
20-21,0975km 00:06:34 (2308) 02:02:26 (2291)


Mountain run

Bieg górski - 80 km
0-14,5km 01:59:44
14,5-45,7km 04:11:43
45,7-73km 04:12:50
73-80,8km 01:05:24
Result 11:29:41

Bieg górski - 53 km
0-22,5km 02:52:41
22,5-41km 03:03:56
41-53km 01:39:51
Result 07:36:28


Półmaraton 21,0975 km
0-5km 00:24:35
5-10km 00:24:48
10-15km 00:24:08
15-20km 00:26:07
20-21,0975km 00:06:23
15-19km 00:20:31
19-21,0975km 00:09:49
Result 01:47:37

  • Elemental Tri Series
  • Garmin IronTriathlon
  • Castle Triathlon Malbork
  • Amber Expo Półmaraton Gdańsk
  • Garmin MTB Series
  • Triminator
  • Garmin Ultra Race
  • Garmin SwimRun Series
  • Triathlon Series TTT
  • ILF Triathlon